To All Zen Nippon Airinkai Members,
Recently, we have confirmed cases where the Zen Nippon Airinkai (ZNA) logoand name have been used by organizations and events unrelated to ZNA without the permission of the ZNA Headquarters.
We kindly ask all ZNA members to pay close attention to the following points and take appropriate action:
- lease be aware that there may be organizations, groups or events that use the Zen Nippon Airinkai (ZNA) name and logo without permission or authorization.
- Zen Nippon Airinkai will not assume any responsibility for any issues arising from the use of its name or logo by such unauthorized organizations, groups or events.
- If you happen to come across any suspected use of them unauthorized by the Zen Nippon Airinkai Headquarters (Japan), please contact the ZNA head office immediately.
We greatly appreciate your continued understanding and cooperation in supporting the activities of ZNA.
Chairman of Zen Nippon Airinkai (ZNA)